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Direct Sales Team Leaders

Mindset and Marketing
Mentor, Business Coach, Marcy Stahl and Author John Maxwell
Marcy Stahl
Founding Partner with
The John Maxwell Team

Move from Ideas into Action to Grow YOU!

You Are Invited To Join Me for
A 7-week Journey with
Like-Minded Colleagues Through
John Maxwell’s New Book

Do you read personal growth books constantly?

Are you awash in information, yet sometimes struggle to apply these great ideas in your life?

Do you want to connect your learning to your business growth? 

I want to help!  I’ve created a Mastermind group around John Maxwell’s latest book (his 73rd!) The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. 

John has been passionate about personal development for over fifty years, and for the first time, he shares everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In the way that only he can communicate, John teaches:

  • The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself
  • The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself
  • The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could Be
  • The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others

Reserve Your Spot Now for a
7-Week Mastermind Group Facilitated by Marcy Stahl

This program is for you if you’re a talented and fabulous woman (or man) who KNOWS that your self-growth fuels your business.  You yearn to ignite your full power and potential.  You value the support of a group to help you get there. 

This program is right for you if:

  • Your experience shows you that your personal growth fuels your business growth. 
  • You constantly buy self-development books and programs.
  • You want to move BEYOND KNOWING into ACTION: APPLYING what you know.
  • You are a fan of leadership expert and author of 73 books, John Maxwell.
  • You have a current goal of significantly building your business.


If you’re ready to move from a stack of unread books into a proactive plan for your personal growth, then this is right for you! 

Over 7 weeks, I invite you to join me and your like-minded peers weekly on the phone, to:

  • Explore your beliefs and experiences about personal growth
  • Create your own personal growth plan and
  • Receive continuous support and new ideas from me and your peers in the Mastermind.

I can guarantee that you will receive MORE from this format than you ever can reading a book on your own. 

If you want to move from KNOWLEDGE into ACTION, this is the program for you.

Format: This group is limited to 20 participants.  It runs for 7 weeks and is done entirely over the phone and Internet.

Start date: Tuesday April 30, 1pm ET

Location: Over the phone, from the comfort and convenience of your own home

Duration: 7 weeks: 4/30-6/11/2013

Investment: $149 for you AND your guest will participate for FREE! 

Make one or two payments ($149 once or $75 over 2 months)

Pay in Full: $149

2 Monthly Payments: $75 each

You (and your guest) will each receive:


  • A copy of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell.
  • Seven 60-minute calls in which I facilitate a group discussion of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. You will be grounded in the wisdom John shares AND you’ll receive the talents, resources and energy of the group through facilitated group discussion and occasional direct coaching by me.
  • Two 60-minute group Q&A calls. On these calls, you’ll receive coaching from me about how to apply this information to your specific circumstances.
  • Online community of like-minded women for brainstorming and resources, where you have full access to online eCoaching from me for the duration of the class. This incredible online resource will not only connect you to the other women in the program for suggestions and brainstorming; you will also have direct access to eCoaching from me in this group setting where you can ask any questions.
  • Downloadable recordings of each call.  Shortly after each class, you will receive a recording of our call so that you can review all the information at your leisure. These recordings are also valuable in case you miss a call.
  • Powerful Study Guides created by the John Maxwell Team. These materials will support you in the work and learning you do in between our calls. Each of these exercises and activities are designed to accelerate your growth and achievement.


The start date for this group program is Tuesday April 30, 2013.

Mastermind Book Club calls are every Tuesday at 1pm ET for seven weeks; the 2 group coaching calls will be Tuesday 5/14 and 5/28 at 10am ET.  Can’t make those times?  No problem – you will receive recordings of each call to listen to at your convenience.

Pay in Full: $149

2 Monthly Payments: $75 each

Program Investment and Payment Options

As a special bonus, when you register, you can invite a friend/colleague to join you for FREE! Just register for yourself and let me know now or later who will be joining you.  You’ll receive even more from this program when you work through the material with someone else.

If the two of you would like to split the costs, you’ll need to arrange that between yourselves.  I’ll take care of the logistics for one of you handling the payment.

Paid in full for you and your guest: $149

Or let me finance this for you and your guest.  Make 2 easy payments of only $75 each (first payment due at time of registration, remaining payment charged 30 days later). 

Pay in Full: $149

2 Monthly Payments: $75 each


You may be thinking “I can just read the book this weekend and create my own plan!” 

WRONG!  I have run many similar masterminds on books and I can guarantee that, all by yourself, you CANNOT get as much out of a book by yourself as you can when you read with others. 

Why?  As John says in Law 12 – The Law of Modeling “…it’s hard to improve when you have no one but yourself to follow.”

  • On your own, you’ll read it too fast or you won’t finish it.  In this program, you’re reading it slowly, so you mull it over, think on it, and actually finish it. 
  • On your own, you skip over the exercises or don’t finish them.  With a group led by a coach, you’re going to do the exercises. 
  • On your own, your learning is limited to what you get from John.   In a group, when you share your experiences, out loud, with other people, you will learn more.  When you listen to others and hear how they think and act, you gain a bigger perspective on your own thinking and actions. 

You’ll get the MOST out of this book by participating with like-minded peers, including your friend who comes for free!


Pay in Full: $149

2 Monthly Payments: $75 each


Best wishes for your success!

Marcy Stahl