Authentic Sales Skills

Special 2-hr Zoom (virtual) Workshop 

For heart-centered women entrepreneurs who want to

Feel GOOD about selling and be EFFECTIVE in sales

If you’re a heart-centered entrepreneur, you want to feel GOOD about sales!

  • CONFIDENT: you know what you’re doing

  • EXCITED: that your prospect is LIKELY to happily say Yes!

  • CLEAR: no matter what your prospect says, you’ll be able to LEAD vs. react/be confused.

When you’re NOT confident in sales, you’re probably SICK and TIRED that:

  • People you KNOW you can help said “No”, which means their life is not changing

  • You’re second-guessing, regretting and re-living your past sales failures

  • You’re not able to help as many people as you want to

  • Your income is below what you KNOW it can be.

women high-five

I have been in your shoes!  Before I figured out how to lead an effective and heart-centered sales conversation, I hardly had any clients.

The year I implemented my current process, my income was 12x the prior year!

This was HUGE!  I felt a massive sense of relief; no more anxiety about being forced to get a J.O.B.  I started to LOVE sales conversations, because I experienced how TRANSFORMATIONAL they could be for my prospect, even before we started working together!  And because I was using a consistent sales process, I could keep tweaking it, to continuously improve it.

Here’s what I know about you and selling:

  1. You can be effective in sales, no matter your personality. Yes, I’m talking to you, my fellow quiet introvert!
  2. The minute you improve your selling skills, you will instantly make more money.
  3. This is NOT a choice for entrepreneurs. YOU HAVE to be good at sales, in order to earn a decent living in your business, much less an abundant living.  No one else can do this for you.

Ready to start improving your sales skills? 

Join me for a value-packed 2-hour workshop: Authentic Sales Skills


Time: 10am – noon Eastern

Date: Friday March 20

Location: wherever you are – courtesy of Zoom 🙂

Can’t make that date?  No problem – you will receive the recording.

You’ll receive:

  • My personal script, to help you guide your prospect to a decision. No persuading or convincing required!

  • The key questions to ask your prospect, that help you and them know how much (or how little) they want this opportunity

  • Concrete ways to help your prospects connect the dots between the change they want and the opportunity you’re offering

  • Why the selling (and recruiting) conversation can bring up your own anxiety and fear, and how to protect yourself against that.

  • Recording of this call.  I will cover a LOT of material, so you’ll want to listen to it again.

You’ll leave with powerful questions you can immediately apply, that improve your ability to convert prospects to clients (or team members)!

INVESTMENT    $49 (this is a crazy good deal!)

This workshop (like all my speaking & coaching) is super INTERACTIVE.

You’ll receive:

  • A detailed handout, with questions and coaching advice
  • Role-playing, where you’ll see these skills in action
  • On the spot coaching by me, where you’ll benefit from my 13 years of experience and wisdom
  • Lots of Q&A and discussion
Ronica Van Gelder, Owner Ronica's Custom Creations

I have been working with Marcy for a couple of years now. Marcy has helped to keep me focused and accountable, and has offered great perspective on myself and my business. I am always amazed at how quickly (and accurately) she comes up with solutions to my challenges. But more often, she pulls the answers out of me so that I am coming up with the solutions! If you are thinking about one on one coaching to drive your business forward, I highly recommend Marcy! She is non-judgmental and brilliant!

Ronica VanGelder
Ronica’s Custom Creations

Julie Catania-Shady, Executive Leader, Usborne Books and More

Before working with Marcy I was feeling discouraged, trapped, disorganized, and not in control of my personal business let alone leading my team. I was worried that my insecurities as a leader would hold my team back from reaching their goals. I was concerned that my inability to communicate effectively with “different” personalities would push away the team members that I didn’t immediately “click with.”

I now feel hopeful, encouraged and equipped. I am more confident in my ability to lead. I am more at ease when communicating with my team using techniques provided by Marcy. Marcy helped me realize that my team members’ goals may not be my goals and that’s ok. Using techniques provided by Marcy I have been able to “tone down” my fast paced, abrasive approach and communicate with each team member in a way they are more likely to respond to.

I LOVE my phone calls with Marcy. She listens patiently while I talk through different scenarios and provides recommendations on how to approach different situations. She even provides wording to help me navigate difficult situations. Every time we get off the phone I am at peace with the work I’ve done leading up to the call and excited about the future.

Marcy is kind, caring, optimistic, and complimentary and I always feel like she is my biggest fan. Since I started working with Marcy I have promoted up 3 levels and while she may say that was all “me” there is no doubt that my success was because of the help I received from her. I have no doubt that anyone who decides to work with Marcy won’t be disappointed.

Julie Cantania-Shady
Sr. Executive Leader
Usborne Books and More