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January 26, 2012
Vol. IV, Issue 3

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Hi there,

2012 is going to be a big year for me. I’ve set my intention and theme; I’m developing my income goals and budget projections; and I’m in the process of hiring yet another support team member!

One of my biggest goals for 2012 is to amp up my speaking. I’ve joined the John Maxwell Training program, to improve my speaking skills. You’ll be hearing more about that through the year.

What are you doing to make 2012 your best year ever? This is a deep question. What would your best year ever look and feel like? Who would you be, by the end of your best year? How would your team or family’s lives be influenced?

You are creating your life, every minute of the day. You are a precious gift to the world and you have something special to share. Don’t let that drift away in the busy-ness of everyday life. Be intentional about what you want and the Universe will deliver!

Dedicated to your expansion,


1/30/2012 – I’ll be at my Mastermind Planning Day in Manhattan!

2/8/2012 – Enter a raffle for free entry to hear me speak live at the Washington Network Group on "Expand Your Mind, Expand Your Money." This meeting is in Ballston VA from 4-7pm – perfect if you live in the DC metro area. Enter by 2/2/2012, when I’ll randomly choose a winner.

2/20-2/25/2012 – I’ll be in Palm Beach FL for the John Maxwell Training program meeting, followed by some time off in the sun.

Ever considered creating a vision board but weren’t quite sure how to make it or how to use it? Join Catherine Rose Stevens for a free teleclass where you will:

  • Find out why many coaches consider a vision board the #1 tool for personal and spiritual growth.
  • Learn how to enhance your vision board with your learning style.
  • What’s the difference between vision boards, treasure maps, and soul collages?
  • How often should you create your vision board?
  • Discover how to connect your favorite spiritual practices with your vision board

Register and join Catherine on Saturday 1/28 at 2pm ET/1pm CT/11am PT at http://yourhealingpathways.com/free-teleclass

Build Your Team with a Book Club

  • Looking for a new way to improve your team’s skills? Start a business book club.
  • Want a deeper understanding of, and deeper relationships with, other women in your company? Start a business book club.
  • Want to improve your business skills or your attitudes about success and money? Start a business book club.

I’ve organized and facilitated two book clubs using the same format – pick a great book, read one chapter at a time, do the exercises, and discuss that chapter in a weekly (or every other week) regularly scheduled teleconference.

The benefits have been many. I’ve learned the material more thoroughly, because we went over it slowly and in depth. Through conversations with the other book club members, I got a completely different perspective on the material. I also learned so much about how the other members think and work.

Benefits to You and Your Team

Great training. Pick the right book, and everyone will learn new ways to grow their business.

Deeper understanding of its contents. You’ve read it more carefully (in your preparation) and you’ve discussed with others. You improve your understanding by “teaching” it to others and by learning a different perspective back from them. You’ve internalized it!

Learn more about each other. The conversations you have will help you understand your colleagues in more depth: their concerns, their interests, their commitment.

Reward team members. They’re getting more quality “face time” with you (in a virtual sense) which is a reward to them. For people who love learning and self-development, they perceive the book club as a great benefit.

Accountability. Book club members can choose to set a goal during the teleconference. Having accountability to the group helps them move forward.

How to Make It Happen

Choose who to invite. Take a moment to think strategically about this. You’ll be spending time regularly with your fellow members, so make sure that time is well spent. The choices depend on your situation and your goals.

If you’re a team leader who wants to improve your team’s skills, how about inviting a mix of highly motivated consultants and consultants who haven’t quite lived up to their potential? Being around high-performers often helps everyone raise the level of their game.

If you want to network with other women in your company, run through the list of women you’ve met whom you’d like to know better. They may be other team leaders or in your upline.

If you want to learn from experiences beyond direct sales, you can also start a book club with women from a variety of backgrounds. In my second book club, I followed this route. I announced the formation of the club at a networking event and anyone who was interested could join.

Select a book. I find the books with practical application and exercises are the easiest to discuss. Some suggestions to get you started are:

  • To build direct selling skills: Build It Big or More Build It Big. There’s also a fantastic in-depth workbook with exercises for Build It Big – see http://www.dswa.org/bib.asp
  • To build better habits: The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer
  • To develop better attitudes about money: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Pick a facilitator and an organizer. These are the two main roles – both are simple. The most important is the facilitator, who leads off the discussion and helps keep it on track. It’s critical to start and end each meeting on time and the facilitator makes this happen. The facilitation also ensures that everyone has an opportunity to speak.

The second important role is the organizer, who schedules meetings, reminds people of the meetings, and keeps track of the group’s membership.

Software makes it easier to organize. The organizer can automate reminders with tools like Yahoo or Google Groups, or Google calendar, or even schedule messages in advance through your email software.

One chapter at a time is critical to success. If you read and then discuss an entire book at one sitting, you’ll end up with a more superficial reading and a more superficial conversation about it.

Schedule a regular call at the same day and time to discuss. Once a week is great. Once every other week can also work well. Any longer than that and people won’t stay on track with the reading and they’ll tend to forget what they read.

Once you’ve determined your initial invitees, send out an invitation email, describing WHAT this is, WHY you’re doing it, HOW they’ll benefit, and WHEN it happens.

In that initial email, you’ll also want to provide guidelines about the conversations. One important guideline is the expectation of confidentiality. Some conversations will bring up sensitive information, particularly around money, and people need to be certain that none of their personal information will be shared outside the book club.

See an example of the initial invitation and the guidelines I use at http://www.marcystahl.com/bookclubguidelines.html.

If you’re looking to promote team cohesion, increase skills, and help YOURSELF to deeply understand the great material in a book, try a business club. It’s a fun, easy and rewarding way to build your business!


Have you set your 2012 goals and done some budget projections?

If you’re a direct seller, have you laid out your recruiting and team-building plans?

If you’re a solopreneur, have you created your marketing plan?

If your answers are “No”, then let’s have a complimentary 30-minute Success Session. On this private call, we’ll get clear on your 2012 goals, what has been getting in the way of you achieving them, and discuss some next steps to help you create an AMAZING year! Just email me at success@marcystahl.com and we’ll find a convenient time to get this started.

Your 2012 is completely under your control. Are you satisfied with your 2011 results, or do you want more?

Here’s how it helped a recent participant

"Marcy was extremely helpful in giving me objective outside opinions. I was able to see how my past experiences were holding me back from achieving my goals. Some of the messages that I received stated that I was not worthy to excel. Marcy showed me how very unique I am and there is no one like me!! With her help, I'm beginning to maintain change in my communication skills and having better interpersonal relationships!"

~ Barbara Eversman, Arbonne

© 2012 Marcy Stahl

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Marcy Stahl motivates women entrepreneurs to move from having only a trickle of clients to an abundant full flow of more clients, more money, and more decision-making power. If you're ready to empower yourself AND boost your business, if you want to share YOUR passion with more people, schedule your free 45-minute Marcy Stahl Success Solutions Session by clicking here: http://www.marcystahl.com/contact-marcy.html

Marcy Stahl is an entrepreneur whose purpose in life is helping women entrepreneurs achieve world domination, by earning more money and creating more decision-making power. Because the world will only be a better place when more women are in charge!

She effectively guides her clients to move from struggle and lack, to abundance and ease, by creating effective systems and marketing strategies. She uses this same powerful success system to help direct sales consultants improve their recruiting and leadership skills.

To learn more about her services, visit http://www.marcystahl.com/contact-marcy.html and sign up for your free 30-minute Marcy Stahl Success Strategy Session (and get great free resources, too!)

I'm always interested in your feedback on the topics in this ezine. I'd be delighted to hear from you about your experiences as they related to any of our ezine topics, your thoughts on the ezine itself, as well as topics you'd like to see in future issues.

Send an email to ezine@marcystahl.com and let me know what's on your mind. I appreciate your perspective.

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Copyright © 2012 Marcy Stahl