Welcome to the ezine for evolving women entrepreneurs.
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- Feature Article: Failing Faster, in order to succeed faster!
March 27, 2012
Vol. IV, Issue 4

Published twice a month. You are on our list because you signed up for this ezine. To change your subscription, see link at the end of this email.

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Hi there – Welcome back to my ezine! February and March have been very busy. Most of my time was taken up with being sick, new speaking engagements, and my clients. Writing my ezine fell off my plate, as I worked to keep the rest of my business moving smoothly.

That is one downside in the life of most solopreneurs – when you have a sick day, no one else magically appears to do your work! My long-term goal is to create a business that does not require my presence for every bit of work. I want to know that I can have a sick day or vacation day and work still happens!

Fortunately, I am feeling better. I have been seeing the doctor and there’s no firm diagnosis yet. Changing my diet has helped. I just hope chocolate can stay in my diet!
I hope you have been well and enjoying spring. Here’s a photo of the cherry blossoms in DC from a few years ago.

Dedicated to your expansion,


4/2/2012 - 7pm Arbonne team training, Tyson's Corner VA.

4/4/2012 - My signature Expand Your Mind, Expand Your Money program for direct sellers and solopreneurs begins! Do you need more clients, more team members, and more MONEY now? See www.marcystahl.com/expand-directsellers.html for more info.

4/4/2012 - 7pm Loudoun Women’s Networking Group, Ashburn, VA.

4/9/2012 - 6pm ABWA Pirate Chapter, at the Daily Grind in Greenville, NC. On Expand Your Mind, Expand Your Money.

Are you working hard yet making LESS than others in your field?

I call this UNDEREARNING. If you have been underearning for more than 3 months, that’s usually a sign of a mindset problem. I want to help you get to the bottom of that, and get rid of it!

Expand Your Mind, Expand Your Money
F*R*E*E Success Session

Are you a direct seller or entrepreneur who is ready to say: I want more! I deserve more! I want to enjoy my life more! I’m ready to shift my beliefs and actions in order to be more abundant!?

In this complimentary Success Session, we’ll work together to:

  • Identify the business goals you truly want
  • Uncover the hidden obstacles that are getting in your way
  • Co-create the best next steps to move you forward.

You’ll leave feeling inspired and ready to grow NOW!

Due to my schedule of private clients, you’ll need to register by midnight Tuesday 4/3 to receive your complimentary session.

Here’s all you need to do: <#57_Link-Success Session Questionnaire - quotClick herequot#> and fill out a short questionnaire. This will help ensure that we’re a good fit together. If I can’t help you, I want to let you know ASAP.

That’s it! It’s fast and easy.

If you want to create success now vs. later, let’s get started! I’m really looking forward to connecting with you and creating powerful movement forward in your business ASAP.

Dedicated to your expansion,


p.s. Underearning is NOT a permanent condition! You’re typically a small shift away from the success you want so badly. You can easily start right here: www.marcystahl.com/questionnaire


Want to achieve success faster? You likely need to FAIL faster!

You may be thinking: "Is Marcy CRAZY? Shouldn’t I be SUCCEEDING faster, not FAILING faster?!"

In the ideal world, yes, you could succeed without failing. In the real world in which you and I live, however, no person can make a continuous series of perfectly right decisions without making some wrong ones along the way.

“Good judgment is the product of experience, and experience is the product of bad judgment.” Saying among backcountry skiiers.

For example, much of your good judgment in your personal life may come from poor judgment you demonstrated as a teen.

Lots of my clients are perfectionists and they like following rules. Both of those traits make it hard to view failing as a key component to success.

Failure and success are intertwined. One does not exist without the other.

You cannot make perfect decisions. You are human and therefore imperfect.

That means you’re going to make some great decisions, some mediocre decisions, and some poor decisions.

The more quickly you decide which decisions are poor, mediocre and great – the faster you can decide which ones to stick with, which ones to tweak, and which ones to abandon.

Fast and imperfect action will beat slow and perfect action just about every time. Because faster decision-making plus faster analysis of your decision-making will lead you to better results than paralysis by analysis will.

Here’s an example. Your goal is to move from $0 (you’re just starting out) to $10K in sales in 4 months. You have 3 possible ways to start sales in your new company. All 3 strategies sound good in theory and each of them has worked for other people.

Here are two scenarios:

Scenario A. You spend a LOT of time debating which of the 3 sales strategies is best. Given that they’ve all worked for other people in the past and seem feasible for you, you have no way of deciding amongst them. It’s very important for you to make the BEST possible decision, so you keep going over the same pros and cons in your mind. You “analyze” for 3 months, then in month 4, you pick one sales strategy and try it out.

Scenario B. Given that all 3 strategies seem equally good, you decide to implement all 3 of them right off. After one month, you realize that one strategy is totally NOT working out and the other 2 strategies have created moderate sales of about $1K each.

You drop the loser strategy and focus on the 2 sales strategies which gave you moderate returns. You analyze them, realize that you can tweak each of them to make them more effective, and re-start them. In month 2, each one earns you $2K/month. You get busy with other parts of your business and decide to just keep doing these 2 strategies, without tweaking them any further.

Here’s how these strategies compared over 4 months:

Time Sales for Scenario A Sales for Scenario B
Month 1 0 $2K
Month 2 0 $4K
Month 3 0 $4K
Month 4 $2K $4K
Total $ earned over 4 months $2K $14K

Scenario B earned money IMMEDIATELY, unlike Scenario A. Over time it earned much MORE money than did Scenario A.

  • Scenario A included lots of analysis, mental debate and self-questioning. And it generated very little sales.
  • Scenario B featured immediate action on all the strategies and included time to change and improve the mediocre ideas.

How does this apply to you and your business?

What kinds of results are you experiencing in your business?

If your results are not what you want, then consider: What issue do you need to make some decisions about? What is your decision-making speed?

Quite likely, you can quickly get better results just by making a decision NOW and allowing yourself the luxury of being OK with that decision being bad, mediocre, or great. When you have the confidence that you can modify any decision and make it better, you’ll be more relaxed about making decisions.

As a business-owner, you will be more successful when you develop the habit of making MORE decisions, AND allow time for tweaking and re-making them. That’s one key ingredient for business success!


If you’ve been struggling with paralysis by analysis for some time, then it’s time for an experienced mentor and coach. Contact me and we’ll easily set up your complimentary Success Session, where we'll cover your goals, what's getting the way, and how you can move into action, and income, more easily. I'm happy to support your business growth.


"When I started working with Marcy, I had a myriad of limiting beliefs, lack of confidence and fears of presentations in sales. Through our work together, I have shed all those negatives and have more clarity and confidence in my professional life. Marcy is a great listener and provides wonderful suggestions that make sense. I owe much of my success in my most transformational year to the direction, support and encouragement that Marcy provided me!"

~ Nancy T. Ferrari, Radio Show and Media Personality
    www.nancyferrari.com, Orange County, CA

© 2012 Marcy Stahl

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete description with it:

Marcy Stahl motivates women entrepreneurs to move from having only a trickle of clients to an abundant full flow of more clients, more money, and more decision-making power. If you're ready to empower yourself AND boost your business, if you want to share YOUR passion with more people, schedule your free 45-minute Marcy Stahl Success Solutions Session by clicking here: http://www.marcystahl.com/contact-marcy.html

Marcy Stahl is an entrepreneur whose purpose in life is helping women entrepreneurs achieve world domination, by earning more money and creating more decision-making power. Because the world will only be a better place when more women are in charge!

She effectively guides her clients to move from struggle and lack, to abundance and ease, by creating effective systems and marketing strategies. She uses this same powerful success system to help direct sales consultants improve their recruiting and leadership skills.

To learn more about her services, visit http://www.marcystahl.com/contact-marcy.html and sign up for your free 30-minute Marcy Stahl Success Strategy Session (and get great free resources, too!)

I'm always interested in your feedback on the topics in this ezine. I'd be delighted to hear from you about your experiences as they related to any of our ezine topics, your thoughts on the ezine itself, as well as topics you'd like to see in future issues.

Send an email to ezine@marcystahl.com and let me know what's on your mind. I appreciate your perspective.

If you know other women entrepreneurs who want to THRIVE, instead of simply surviving, please forward this newsletter to them.

I respect your privacy and do not give out or sell our subscribers' names or email addresses.

Copyright © 2012 Marcy Stahl