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- Feature Article: My Favorite Software Tools
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April 15, 2013
Vol. IV, Issue 5

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I am having a great time creating videos with my new iPhone!  See what you think - I share the difference between the thoughts and beliefs of abundant earners vs. underearners at http://www.marcystahl.com/SixFiguresAndBeyond.htmlThese mindset shifts are a core teaching in all my programs.

I’m also putting the finishing touches on a fun new group program that launches this week.  Stay tuned for a great way you can amp up your personal growth!  Why is your personal growth important?  Because when you change, everything in your business changes too!

Last week, I visited the cherry trees at the Tidal Basin in DC.  Some of these trees go all the way back to 1912; they were a gift from the Japanese people to the US people.  If you want to enjoy more beautiful pink and white fluffiness, you can see the full photo album at my Facebook page; just friend me, Marcy Stahl from Arlington VA.

Dedicated to your expansion,


4/21-4/27 – I’m spending a full week at my mastermind group meeting in Saratoga Springs NY!

4/30 – I launch an exciting new personal growth group program!  You’ll hear more next week.

5/ 11 – I am the Spotlight speaker for a short talk at the National Speakers Association, DC chapter meeting. 

5/14 – I’ll give a 90-minute workshop at the Intuitive Healing Center, Burke Virginia, from 7:30-9pm.  More info to follow.

5/10 – Leadercast – see http://www.chick-fil-aleadercast.com/ for details.  Speakers include John Maxwell, Condoleeza Rice, and more.

6/6 – Capital Coaches Conference.  If you’re a coach in the metro DC area, this day features powerful speakers and amazing content.

My Favorite Software Tools

I’m in love with the flexibility these tools offer!  They’re amazingly easy to learn and use; they’re accessible from any device you own; and they’re all FREE!  Back in the early days of PCs, software was so complicated and non-intuitive that every copy came with manual and a support line.  How times have changed!

I’m sharing how I use these tools and what I see as their strengths; there is MUCH more functionality beyond what’s below.

1.  Asana.  This is a super-easy-to-use project management tool.  You can create different projects and tasks, then assign tasks to different people.  When tasks are done, the responsible party marks them as complete.  It’s easy to use and easy to track project/task status through this.  I use this with my virtual assistants. 

2.  Evernote.  This allows you to create notes on all kinds of topics and access them from any device.  Why is this better than using Word plus file-sharing software like Dropbox?  Because the organizing scheme and search functionality is much more powerful.  I find Evernote super-helpful for longer-lived notes to myself, like my collection of thoughts about my speaking career or notes on Santa Fe.

3.  Google Calendar.  This is great for shared scheduling/viewing of your calendar.  You can create multiple calendars and share each one with a separate group of people, giving each of them varying levels of control over the calendar.  My client care manager has full control over my Client calendar; other assistants can add events to that calendar but can’t delete them.  I can access this through any device I have, anywhere I have Internet or phone access.    This is perfect for use as a shared training calendar for a large team.

4.  Dropbox.  This allows you to keep synchronized copies of files on your computer and within Dropbox.   Within Dropbox, you can share files with other people as well.  All my file sharing with my assistants is done through a combination of Dropbox and Asana.  I also use it to back up small numbers of files. 

5.  Private Facebook Groups.  When I need to coordinate a simple group, e.g., emails and file-sharing without full project management, I like to use a private Facebook group.  Why?  Most people are already on Facebook so there’s no learning curve and no need to create any kind of separate login or ID. 

You can easily create a group and add any of your Facebook friends to it.  When you post within a private group, only members will see the posts – no one else, not your friends or not your group members’ friends, will know about it.  You can also share text files via the group.


To build your business BEYOND where it is NOW, you’ll need different practical strategies as well different attitudes and beliefs.  I specialize in helping women direct sellers and entrepreneurs with BOTH the practical and the mindset elements. 

What’s YOUR goal for 2013?  If you want to move beyond where you’ve ever been, and you’re finding it heavy going, consider joining arms with me as an established business and expert mentor.   My mission is to help you enjoy MORE CLIENTS, MORE FUN and MORE MONEY!

I invite you to email me at success@marcystahl.com to explore the possibilities of collaborating together.  My goal is to make sure you take the right next step for you;
I am never attached to the outcome you choose. 

© 2013 Marcy Stahl

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Marcy Stahl motivates women entrepreneurs to move from having only a trickle of clients to an abundant full flow of more clients, more money, and more decision-making power. If you're ready to empower yourself AND boost your business, if you want to share YOUR passion with more people, schedule your free 45-minute Marcy Stahl Success Solutions Session by clicking here http://www.marcystahl.com/contact-marcy.html

Marcy Stahl is an entrepreneur whose purpose in life is helping women entrepreneurs achieve world domination, by earning more money and creating more decision-making power. Because the world will only be a better place when more women are in charge!

She effectively guides her clients to move from struggle and lack, to abundance and ease, by creating effective systems and marketing strategies. She uses this same powerful success system to help direct sales consultants improve their recruiting and leadership skills.

To learn more about her services, visit http://www.marcystahl.com/contact-marcy.html and sign up for your free 30-minute Marcy Stahl Success Strategy Session (and get great free resources, too!)

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Send an email to ezine@marcystahl.com and let me know what's on your mind. I appreciate your perspective.

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Copyright © 2013 Marcy Stahl