Joyfully Celebrate 2022 and Plan for Your 2023 Growth
End-of-Year Review Workshop
for Entrepreneurs
Would you love to start 2023 feeling CONFIDENT that you know the actions that’ll GROW your business?
Successful high-achieving women entrepreneurs take time to strategically review their progress and update their plan.
The problem for many high-achieving women entrepreneurs is that we don’t stop working long enough to get CRYSTAL CLEAR on what truly is and isn’t working in our businesses.
We THINK we know what’s working, but we’re too BUSY to slow down and confirm it.
You’ve got two options:
- You can end 2022 feeling rushed and overwhelmed. Maybe you’ll take a brief rest, then you’ll jump back on the same merry-go-round Jan 2, repeating what you have been doing.
Which means you’ll get the SAME RESULTS IN 2023 that you got in 2022. Is that good news?
- You can step into more success: review your year, find the wins and lessons, and create a fact-based plan for growth!
I invite you to set aside some space and reconnect with the FACTS of your business, in an easy and powerful workshop on Wed Dec 28 1-3pm ET. (Yes, I will record this, but please join live for the biggest impact).
In this workshop, I’ll help you:
- Harvest and celebrate your 2022 WINS and ACCOMPLISHMENTS
- Identify where your FAVORITE Ideal Clients come from, and how to reach more of them,
- Get clear on the return from your 2022 marketing efforts: what worked, what didn’t, what you want to change
- Develop a plan for GROWTH for Q1 of 2023, creating more clients and income by building on your successes.
I’ve made this super simple for you: just register, do a little prep, and show up on the call!
Your business 100% can (and should!) support you financially, intellectually, and emotionally.
If you’re ready for a fresh look at your business, then I invite you to join me for this intimate and powerful small group experience.
Here’s how this worked for recent participants:
“Marcy’s workshop helped me get more clear on how much I have to celebrate, and pause to enjoy my accomplishments. I was able to celebrate how much I truly did accomplish last year. I also got clear on where my clients came from last year, and who was ideal and who wasn’t quite ideal.
Without this workshop, I’d be looking back at last year and feeling like there was no progression from the previous year.
I had a lot of personal things to celebrate and found that I don’t take the time to actually celebrate those things, because my mind is always on numbers with my business.”
Jessica Cole-Osborne, Owner, Brightway Insurance Agency
“If I had not participated in this workshop, I’d still be confused/uncertain about where my clients are coming from and how I managed to find them. Also would be uncertain about how to navigate the waters in regards to knowing what is important and what to say yes to in order to progress my mission and why.
I’d look back at last year and be feeling defeated and like it was a completely wasted year. I know in my heart it is not!”
Katelyn Guild, Founder and Photographer at Katelyn Scott LLC
If you DON’T take time for this review, you’re likely to
- keep repeating your work AND your results (is that good thing?!)
- keep delivering the same same old to your clients
- feel like you’re on a treadmill
instead of your work feeling like a joyful practice that supports you and allows you to be at your best!