Ever have a day where you did NOT make that important phone call to a prospect, yet stayed up to date with your Facebook friends?
Then you feel guilty about not making that prospect phone call. The longer you avoid that call, the worse you feel.
That is procrastination. Part of you KNOWS that call is important and wants to make it, so you can building your business! And another part of you is saying “Nope. Don’t want to do it. In fact, right now it feels really important to sort the dirty clothes and do some laundry!”
Procrastination is that conflict between wanting to do something important for your business and NOT wanting to do it. That conflict keeps your business small, instead of growing. And it keeps you feeling bad about yourself, instead of feeling confident and relaxed.
The tragedy is that you ARE a hard worker. You spend lots of time on your business but your results don’t match your investment of time and energy.
It’s quite likely that you are your own worst critic. You judge yourself by a very high standard that you feel you’re not meeting. Yet you find it almost impossible to change.
What would it be like to feel good about what you choose to do and not do? To not worry all the time?
It sounds GREAT. But is it really possible for YOU to have that life?
Yes it is! Join me for a special complimentary 1-hr teleclass: Releasing the 3 Ps: Procrastination, People-Pleasing and Perfectionism to learn how!
Date and Time: Friday 4/28 10am EST (9am CST/8am MST/7am PST).
You will receive a recording too.
If this is resonating with you, then I’m confident that you are your harshest critic. You are never satisfied with what you’re accomplishing as an entrepreneur, as a spouse or parent, or as a person.
I’ve been there. I come from 3 generations of perfectionists. I have pushed myself beyond what is normal or healthy, to do an AMAZING job. I’ve spent many hours planning out my life, in an attempt to control things over which I had no control.
Since 2007, I’ve been on a journey to release my perfectionism. I call myself a recovering perfectionist. And I have a people-pleasing streak that shows up occasionally as well.
I’ve been exploring strategies to move out of both people-pleasing and perfectionism, as well as the related procrastination they both entail, for the last several years.
I see how these 3 Ps: procrastination, people-pleasing and perfectionism – keep women entrepreneurs and direct sellers feeling exhausted, beating yourself up, and your business stagnant.
On this teleclass, you’ll learn:
- Specific ways perfectionism and people-pleasing cause you to procrastinate
- What you really want to achieve through your perfectionism
- The impact on your business of the 3Ps
- New ways to think and speak, to help you move BEYOND the 3Ps
Join me for this special complimentary 1-hr teleclass: Releasing the 3 Ps: Procrastination, People-Pleasing and Perfectionism and discover how to create a more relaxed and effective business for yourself!
Date and Time: Friday 4/28 10am EST (9am CST/8am MST/7am PST).
You will receive a recording too.
When you are in your flow, in your zone, being your best self and delivering your unique gifts to the world, you feel great – your clients are receiving amazing value, for which they’ll gladly pay – and your work is EASY and FUN. Your work can be easy and fun on a regular basis, I promise. And to get there, you’ve got to let go of some very old patterns you started a long time ago: people-pleasing and perfectionism.
You can work in a different, more relaxed way AND accomplish more! Join me for a special complimentary 1-hr teleclass: Releasing the 3 Ps: Procrastination, People-Pleasing and Perfectionism to learn how!
Date and Time: Friday 4/28 10am EST (9am CST/8am MST/7am PST).
You will receive a recording too.
Dedicated to your expansion,
p.s. “What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. Your team members, your children, your colleagues – everyone around you sees what you do more than they hear what you say. If you’re doing any of the 3Ps, now is the time to bring your actions into alignment with the values you speak!