Free Teleclass

Your Value: Feel It, Embody It, Communicate It!

How to make your expertise visible and valuable.

When you don’t fully articulate your talents and expertise, your prospects can’t see you – even when you’re standing in front of them!  And your manager and other higher-ups don’t totally grasp how important your work is.  Which all means that you’re not achieving the impact and income you desire.

Join me for a special free teleclass where I’ll be sharing:for page

  • Easy strategies to help you FEEL and express your value through your body language
  • The sneaky yet powerful reason why it’s so hard to appreciate your talents
  • One must-do to consistently make your expertise visible and valuable

Date: Friday 4/14

Time: 1 – 1:45pm Eastern (noon CT, 11am MT, 10am PT)

IMPORTANT: You’ll receive the most from the call by joining me LIVE.  If you can’t make the call live, no worries – I’ll automatically email you the recording afterwards.

I am very much looking forward to sharing a TON of high value content with you about how to fully embody your worth, so that you confidently convey your expertise to your manager/leader, your colleagues and your prospects.

Dedicated to your expansion,
