Marcy Stahl Founding Partner with The John Maxwell Team
Ready to turn your love of Learning into action and profits?
- Are you constantly reading books, listening to audios or watching videos? Do you have a tremendous curiosity that keeps you learning all the time?
- Do you have so MANY great ideas in your head that it’s hard to pick just one to implement?
- Are you eager to have a positive influence on other women and share your knowledge with them? Are you convinced that will make the world a better place?
Then I know you’re a Lifelong Learner and information junkie like me! You love learning for its own sake and you find all the new ideas exciting and full of possibilities.
The downside to learning comes when you don’t carefully connect your lifelong learning and deep knowledge to your business.
- You invest time and energy into your learning yet that doesn’t translate that into action (new programs, new clients, more income) in your business.
- You have a ton of ideas in your head but you’re only taking action on 1 of them (or zero!). It’s hard to select just one great idea from so many! You often feel overwhelmed by the number of ideas you have.
- You invest a lot in your learning. You buy books, audios or DVDs; you invest in programs; yet you don’t see the financial return on your investment. You’re not making more money. Which leads to stress in your relationship with your partner.
- You’re not recognized as the expert you are. Your marketing and communications don’t reflect your expertise. Which means people don’t know what you’re great at, which means you don’t have the impact you want. You feel frustrated; you’ve got so much to share, yet so few people to share it with!
When you are selective about your learning AND intentionally bring your knowledge into your business:
- You’ll be able to edit and prioritize your ideas, which reduces overwhelm.
- Instead of having a swirl of ideas in your head, you fully embody a certain body of information. You stand out as an expert. You feel more confident.
- Your brand becomes clearer and more consistent. Which means you’ll be more appealing to your Ideal Client. They’ll understand that you’re an expert in key areas and they’ll want your advice and expertise.
- You’ll make more targeted investments into key areas that do have an impact on your business. So you’ll touch more lives, help more people, have more impact and make more money.
I’ve created a Mastermind group around John Maxwell’s 73rd book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth.
John has been passionate about personal development for over forty years. In this book, he shares everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach your full potential. In the way that only he can communicate, John teaches:
- The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself
- The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself
- The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could Be
- The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others
John Maxwell’s book brings his wisdom, illustrated with his unique style of stories and quotes.
I bring my expertise helping women entrepreneurs and professionals grow your strengths, your marketing and your results.
I’m also a Founding Partner of John Maxwell Team Training, so I give you access to study guides and behind-the-scenes stories from John Maxwell.
The goal of this program is to help you harness your incredible learner strengths and leverage it directly in your business (instead of your learning being a hobby for your free time).
If you recognize yourself as a Lifelong Learner who struggles to take action on the MANY great ideas you have, then I invite you to check out all the details and register below.
You absolutely can grow your business (or your career) IMMEDIATELY, by becoming more intentional about your personal development AND by bringing your deep knowledge more fully into your work.
In this program, you will receive:
- Seven 60-minute calls in which I combine my business coaching expertise with a facilitated group discussion of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. You will be grounded in the wisdom John shares AND you’ll receive special exercises from me to help you highlight your expertise and plan out your learning.
- You’ll also receive the talents, resources and energy of the group through facilitated group discussion and direct coaching by me.
- Special 3-hour Ideas to Action session. Through the program, you’ll select one of your brilliant ideas to implement. In this special session, I’ll help you take action on that idea. No more thinking “That’d be great!” and then forgetting about it or feeling overwhelmed. I’ll help you break it down and move forward!
- Private Facebook group for easy connections with like-minded women for brainstorming and resources, where you have full access to online eCoaching from me for the duration of the class. This will connect you to the other women in the program for suggestions and brainstorming and you will also have direct access to me.
- Downloadable recordings of each call. Shortly after each class, you will receive a recording of our call so that you can review all the information at your leisure. These recordings are also valuable in case you miss a call.
- Powerful Study Guides created by the John Maxwell Team. These materials will support you in the work and learning you do in between our calls. Each of these exercises and activities are designed to accelerate your growth and achievement.
The start date for this group program is Friday, September 23, 2016 for 8 weeks ending on November 11, 2016.
Location: Over the phone, from the comfort and convenience of your own home/office
All calls will be recorded for your convenience.
Mastermind Book Club calls are every Friday at 1pm ET for seven weeks; the special session will be Friday 11/4 from 9am-noon ET. Can’t make those times? No problem – you will receive recordings of each call to listen to at your convenience.
2 payment options:
1 payment of $247
2 monthly payments of $130 each
You may be thinking “I can just read the book this weekend and create my own plan!”
WRONG! I have run many similar masterminds on books and I can guarantee that, all by yourself, you CANNOT get as much out of a book by yourself as you can when you read with others.
Why? As John says in Law 12 – The Law of Modeling “…it’s hard to improve when you have no one but yourself to follow.”
- On your own, you’ll read it too fast or you won’t finish it. In this program, you’re reading it slowly, so you mull it over, think on it, and actually finish it.
- On your own, you skip over the exercises or don’t finish them. With a group led by a coach, you’re going to do the exercises.
- On your own, your learning is limited to what you get from John. In a group, when you share your experiences, out loud, with other people, you will learn more. When you listen to others and hear how they think and act, you gain a bigger perspective on your own thinking and actions.
You’ll get the MOST out of this book by participating with like-minded peers
What do Marcy’s clients from her most recent Get More Referrals book club have to say?
It was the smartest money and time I have ever spent on my business. Previously, when I met new people, I only looked for prospects. I skipped over everyone else. Now, I am confident that EVERYONE I meet is potentially a valuable referral partner for the future! I am also confident that I have as much or more to offer them as a referral partner.
Barbara Steele
Sales Specialist,Women’s Journal
Bethany Beach, DE
When I first started the Get More Referrals program with Marcy, I felt nauseous about asking clients for referrals, no matter how much they loved my work! I was also feeling overwhelmed by a growing stack of business cards from people I’d met, yet hadn’t had time to enter into my database after the birth of my baby.
As a result of our work together, I’m more confident about requesting referrals from clients and strategic partners. I have clear language to do this.
I’ve also entered all those names from business cards into my database! This is going to be easy and fast to keep up to date, going forward.
And I loved all the creative ideas I’ve received about fun ways to thank and appreciate my referral partners.
This program is well worth the investment!
Allison Strickland
Five Rings Financial
Regional Manager & Licensed Agent
Raleigh, NC
When I first started the Get More Referrals program with Marcy, my goal was to improve the number of referrals I receive. Before this program, I wasn’t even sure who might be a good referral partner for me. I also wasn’t sure of the best timing and way to request referrals. I did not have a consistent way to organize my referrals, and I was feeling overwhelmed by not knowing where to start with this task.
As a result of our work together, I’m more confident about requesting referrals from clients and strategic partners. I have clear language to do this, which is critical to building my referrals and my business.
I now have a list of over 250 contacts prioritized by those most likely to refer me, as well as a system to consistently keep in touch with them, a system that is easily maintainable. This give me a feeling of peace of mind as well as the confidence to grow my referral relationships.
Nancy Loeffler
Being With Grief
Samyama Practitioner
Certified Eating Psychology Coach
If you love learning for its sake, yet find it hard to take action on the vast library of ideas in your head, then this program is critical for you. Your knowledge can be a huge asset to your business.
Ready to leverage your knowledge? Let’s get going!
Dedicated to your expansion,