Business Coaching for Women2019-09-11T12:20:09-04:00

Business Coaching for Women
Entrepreneurs and Direct Sellers

Do You Want:

More Clients (Team Members)

More Income


Ready to get UNSTUCK and move to your NEXT level of SUCCESS?

Ready for more CLIENTS?

Ready for more INCOME?

Ready for more IMPACT?

You’re great at your work; your clients know you and love you!  But there’s not enough of them, and new people don’t seem to find you.  You feel like a well-kept secret.

Becoming Who You’re Meant to Be!

You YEARN to be seen.  One of your deepest desires is to IGNITE YOUR POWER and fully express your potential.  You want impact!  You want to help and empower yourself AND others.

Hi – I’m Marcy Stahl, business coach and entrepreneur.

You may be asking yourself: Am I enough?  Can I have the success I want?

I KNOW you can!  You are so much more powerful than you know.

I help you:

  • Uncover your limiting beliefs and stretch into your full potential
  • Understand and articulate your unique value to your Ideal Client
  • Create the foundational systems you need for GROWTH:
    • Clarity on WHO is your Ideal Client (or Team Member)
    • A strong message about your work and its value
    • Aligned marketing strategies to reach your Ideal Client
    • Authentic sales (and recruiting) conversations.

You receive:

  • More consistent flow of prospects
  • More clients
  • More income

YOU MAKE A BIGGER IMPACT IN THE WORLD!  No more hidden secret that only a handful of clients know about!



Get An Immediate Answer!

Here’s how this worked for my client Amy

See Marcy Live

To break through to your NEW level of success, you have to

  1. get clear on what’s blocking you,
  2. develop abundant thoughts, speech and actions, and
  3. create the practical systems that will keep your marketing and sales ticking along.

Then you’ll move from:

  • Feeling confused and overwhelmed, to being CLEAR
  • Feeling blocked and stuck, to being IN ACTION
  • Struggling financially to CONSISTENT INCOME
  • Fear of being visible and being judged by others, to CONFIDENCE in your value

You’ll step further into the person you’re meant to be, into the fullness of your potential.

Learn more about how we can work together.

Know Your Why

KNOW YOUR WHY WHAT is a “WHY”?  It’s your passionate [...]

What Belief Is Blocking Your Success (+Your Confidence & Income!?)

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